Dog Collar Crime*

Push self hard at Spin and manage to do a bit better than in recent sessions.  Show you:

Despite the panther lying on the floor in front of my bike, get my heart rate up into the yellow zone a fair bit.  So that is good.

Walk Gandalf.  Here we are:

The panther stalks along with us, sticking close to me.  Love my Gandalf though and he cheers me up.  The panther can’t stop me enjoying my walk with my gorgeous canine chum.  Look how beautiful he is.

Do my Body Scan Meditation and have been sleeping.  Am going to see if can find some tennis to watch.

The attached photo is today’s Spin outfit.

Happy Friday everyone!
*2013.  By Adrienne Giordano.  A Lucie Rizzo mystery, book 1.

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