
Reading this:

In bed.  Staying here till Mr Fluffypants tomorrow.

Achievements today so far:

  1. Sleep through to 6.30am.
  2. Cuddle the fluffy monster.
  3. Get dressed.
  4. Make it to psychologist.
  5. Walk back to flat: 40 minutes.
  6. Catch this person:
  7. Get into bed.  It’s cold.
  8. Start reading.
  9. Drink a Diet Coke.
  10. Wear this last night for bookgroup:
  11. Put on pyjamas.
  12. Retire to bed with book.
  13. Staying here till tomorrow when…
  14. ….will see Mr Fluffypants.
  15. And watch The Crown.
  16. And walk him.
  17. And cuddle him.
  18. It is frosty:
  19. And cold.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
*2016.  By Jane Thynne.  New Clara Vine spy novel.  Excellent!

Night Comes On*

Am lying on my bed at the parental home.  It’s warm here in my dressing gown with the radiator on.  It’s 5.22pm and it’s dark outside.

Mum picks me up from the flat at eleven o’clock this morning and drops me in the village.  Catch some Pokémon and walk home.  It’s freezing but sunny and the sky is blue – see attached photo.

Achievements of the day:

  1. Walk a lot. Evolve Growlithe into Arcanine.  Show you him:
  2. Wash hair.
  3. Listen to Leonard Cohen whilst walking around for three hours.
  4. It is nearly supper time.
  5. Pick up several prescriptions from the chemist.

Just need to flick through The Millstone again to remind self of it before Book Group tonight.

Happy Tuesday evening everyone!

*1984.  Song by Leonard Cohen from the album Various Positions.

Endless Night*

When I wake up I do these things:

  1. Make a cup of tea.
  2. Look outside if it’s light.
  3. It isn’t.
  4. It’s Winter.
  5. Endless night.
  6. Look out at the darkness within my self and the world.
  7. There is a crack in everything.  That’s where the light gets in.
  8. Hurry up Morning.
  9. Sip my tea.  No coffee till Later.
  10. Drink lemon squash.  Mustn’t get dehydrated.
  11. No headache so far today.
  12. Put on dressing gown.
  13. Check Instagram.
  14. Listening to Leonard Cohen.  
  15. Famous Blue Raincoat at the moment.
  16. Maybe will read The Princess Diarist.
  17. This tea is nice.
  18. Will get up at seven o’clock.
  19. Tea is finished.
  20. Read my WordPress “Follow Sites”, interact, like etc.
  21. Bird On A Wire now playing.
  22. Miss Leonard being alive 😭
  23. Sip lemon squash.
  24. Feeling warm in the flat with my animals.
  25. Happy Tuesday everyone!

*1967.  By Agatha Christie.  Detective novel with a twist.  Read it!

Stories Of The Street*

Waiting at the bus stop.  My fingers are cold as I write this whilst wearing my fingerless Owl gloves from the John Lewis Children’s department.  Need to paint nails.

Achievements Of The Day:

  1. Sleep through till 6.30am.
  2. Make and eat breakfast.
  3. Listen to Pixie Geldof’s album I’m Yours.  It’s beautiful.
  4. Listen to Leonard Cohen.
  5. Make it to The Office early!
  6. Do Important Work all day.
  7. Hatch an egg. 
  8. Walk around catching Pokémon at lunchtime.  There are many of them about near The Office.
  9. Make it to Level 22 on Pokémon Go. 
  10. Get paid for work and put cheque into the bank.
  11. Walk to bus stop in the freezing darkness.
  12. Now am on bus which rumbles along the road slowly.
  13. Will be home by six o’clock more or less.

Tonight am going to:

  1. Make and consume The Omelette.
  2. Have early night.
  3. Read The Princess Diarist.
  4. Paint nails.

Tomorrow need to:

  1. Attend gym and lift weights.
  2. Return to parentals as it’s the Book Group at the bookshop.
  3. Must flick through The Millstone again so have something intelligent to say about it.
  4. Maybe will meet some fascinating people.

Am so pleased with self for achieving a day of Important Work but am not attending The Office tomorrow as one day is enough for this week.

Can’t wait to see my fluffy monster tomorrow.  Hate being separated from him.

Happy Monday everyone!
*1967.  Song by Leonard Cohen from the 1967 album Songs Of Leonard Cohen.


Suddenly the night has grown colder.  It’s dark at 5.03pm.  Am lying on my bed at the flat with some fluffy animals.  It is warm here: have even put on the heating.

Achievements of the day:

1.  Work hard at Spin.  Here is graph:

Spin outfit is in the attached photo.

2.  Cuddle and photograph my fluffy monster.  Here he is this morning:

Love him so much.  Look at that Tail!

3.  Wash self and Spin clothes and hang them up on the radiator to dry.

4.  Tidy the flat on my return here.  Unload dishwasher and put clothes away.

5.  Catch lots of Pokémon, hatch an egg and walk around before sunset.

6.  Drink coffee.

7.  Now must make some supper.

8.  Finish Shockaholic.

9.  Start The Princess Diarist.

10.  Prepare self for The Office tomorrow.

11.  Must achieve early night and plenty of sleep so can manage all my Important Work tomorrow.

12.  Listen to Leonard Cohen.

Happy Sunday everyone!

*2007.  By Carrie Fisher.  Memoir and sequel to Wishful Drinking.

Alexandra Leaving*

1.  Have fun at Spin: see photo above with The Boss (left) and Wonder Woman (right).  Here is my graph:

2.  Wash self, hair and Spin clothes and hang them up on radiator to dry.

3.  Tidy wardrobe, putting clothes in colour order and removing some hangers.

4.  Walk to the village to meet Mum: 30 minutes.  Catch some Pokémon, hatch eggs and so on.

5.  Tidy the coat cupboard, my long-sleeved tops drawer and my t-shirt drawer with Mum’s help.  Place unwanted items in bags for the charity shop.

6.  The fluffy monster helps me wrap some presents.  You can see him in the attached photo.  Here he is on my dressing table this morning:

7.  Order this lamp.  Show you:

It’s a natural light therapy alarm clock with digital radio.   Hope to feel less exhausted by all these hours of darkness once it arrives.  Apparently it’s a “certified medical device” to cure Seasonal Affective Disorder.  It’s 4.51pm now and the sky is midnight black.    

8.  These have arrived!  Woohoo!

Can’t wait to read them.

9.  Listen to Alexandra Leaving on repeat.

10.  Sit under my furry blanket suffering from severe headache.

Need to…I don’t know…post this blog and listen to some Leonard Cohen in bedroom.  Feel stressed and exhausted.  Have cancelled this evening’s plans to stay at home with parentals and their friends.  Aiming for an early night.  Achieve a proper night’s sleep last night for the first time in a while: wake up at 3.15am as usual but manage to return to sleep till 7.20am.

Happy Saturday everyone!
*2001.  Song by Leonard Cohen.  Appears on the 2001 album Ten New Songs.  It’s a free adaptation of the poem The G-d Abandons Anthony by Constantine P. Cavafy, published in 1911. Whilst Cavafy’s version was based around the city of Alexandria, Cohen’s version builds around a woman called Alexandra.

Diamonds In The Mine*

So I suppose it’s time to write a present list.  Let’s see:

1.  One of those natural light lamps to help with SAD.

2.  Better external battery for phone.  This pink one needs so much charging that it’s almost useless.

3.  Fluffy Pokémon toys:

Don’t put “fluffy Pokémon” into Google though because it brings up disgusting results.  There is something wrong with some people.  The correct search term is “Pokemon soft toys” or “soft Pokémon toys”.

4.  Grey over-the-knee boots.  These ones perhaps:

They will look excellent with silver coat.

5.  Tights with back seams.  They used to sell them in John Lewis am sure but couldn’t find any the last couple of times.  Gipsy heart back seam ones or Jonathan Aston Vintage Legs are good.  They are on :

6.  Sweaty Betty gift card.  There is nothing wrong with a gift card as a present, don’t think.  As long as it is for a shop that one likes:

7.  Spin leggings from:

That is enough to be getting on with.  Attached photo is today’s gym outfit.

Look who have captured today!

Caught a rattata and it just turned into him.  If only there was a function in the game to cuddle one’s Pokémon…

Happy Friday everyone!
*1971.  Song by Leonard Cohen from the 1971 album Songs of Love and Hate.

Dance Me To The End Of Love*

Am lying on my bed in the flat writing this.  It’s so dark outside at 5.38pm that it may as well be midnight, and so cold that have put on the heating.

 Have been to the park to see the animals: a kookaburra came right up to the fence: as exaggerated as a cartoon with his white feathers, huge bill and big eyes.

The washing machine rumbles.  Soon will hang my clothes up to dry.

Achievements of the day:

1.  Work as hard as possible at Spin – show you my graph:

Spin outfit is in the attached photo.

2.  Photograph my fluffy monster and cuddle him:

3.  Tidy the drawers in my dressing table and throw out two bags of rubbish.

4.  Wash self and hair.

5.  Make lunch at the flat.

6.  Catch lots of Pokemon on walk around the park.

7.  Listen to Leonard Cohen.

8.  Tidy bedroom at the flat.  Am determined to keep on top of the mess.

9.  Missing my Seb as I always do every day.  It’s worse at the flat.  Leonard Cohen’s music and lyrics are helping me though: am mourning the end of my relationship and Leonard makes that feel better.  Wish he wasn’t dead though.  It does seem that he was a lovely person as well as a great genius.  He is such a sad loss to the world.

10.  Wonder if will ever go dancing again.  Probably not: would be too hot and can’t bear the thought of people being sweaty.

11.  Am looking forward to using new microwave.  It has a huge instruction manual.

12.  Maybe will watch my television.

13.  Looking forward to seeing my trainer tomorrow and to lifting some weights.

Happy Thursday everyone!
*1984.  Song by Leonard Cohen from the 1984 album Various Positions.  

Who By Fire*

Am collapsed on top of my furry blanket on my bed.  Go for a walk into the village after lunch and end up walking around the village for ages and then have a coffee at the bookshop.  The coffee there is better than at the other coffee shops in the village and have a favourite chair there now where can plug my phone charger into the socket and listen to Leonard Cohen and read.

Achievements of the day:

1.  Push self hard at Spin.  Here is graph:

Spin outfit is in the attached photo.

2.  My chum drives me home and we have a chat.

3.  Photograph the world’s most beautiful fluffy monster:

3.  Follow various Keeshonds and Ragdolls on Instagram.  Am determined to become more successful on Instagram somehow.

4.  Wash self and Spin clothes.

5.  Walk into the village and pick up my prescription and Mum’s; buy a mascara for Mum; change Mum’s hair appointment and catch some Pokemon.

6.  Bump into a friend in the village and have a chat with her.

7.  Drink coffee and read Shockaholic in the bookshop.

8.  Tidy bedroom again.

Hopefully there will be some supper soon.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
*1974.  By Leonard Cohen.  Song from the studio album New Skin For The Old Ceremony.  It’s based on the Unetanneh Tokef prayer sung on the High Holy Days.  

Wishful Drinking*

Wake up early and read Wishful Drinking.  It’s wonderful.  Cover it in post-its.  At seven o’clock, give the fluffy monster his breakfast.  Here he is, waiting to go out before sunrise:

Achievements of the day:

1.  Read the whole of Wishful Drinking.  Pleased with self for maintaining concentration throughout a whole book.

2.  Push self hard at Spin:

See attached outfit photo.

3.  Tidy bedroom.  Throw out some rubbish and clear the surfaces.

4.  Start reading Shockaholic at the bookshop.  Need to finish it before The Princess Diarist arrives.

5. Have a coffee with a friend at the bookshop.

6.  Listen to Leonard Cohen.

7.  Acquire new Minx toes:

8.  Catch some Pokemon in the village.

9.  Go shopping with Mum.

10.  Wash self.

Am looking forward to supper which will be spaghetti and then the rest of yesterday’s episode of Midsomer Murders which is set at a golf club.  And then back to bed.

Happy Tuesday everyone!
*2008.  By Carrie Fisher.  Autobiography.